Social Media Logic Model

Social Media Logic Model

Social Media Logic Model

I come to social media from a career of grant proposals, community building and strategic planning.  I love how these areas of expertise impact my perceptions and strategies for social media and lead me to develop our Social Media Logic Model. 

What is a Social Media Logic Model?

Social Media Logic Model

 A Social Media Logic Model is a systematic and visual way to present and  share our understanding of the relationships among resources we have to operate our social networks and communities, the activities we plan, and the changes or results we hope to achieve.


Why Use a Social Media Logic Model?

You may be asking yourself, why and when would I use Social Media Logic Model? Just as we use a logic model when we are building a new program to identify the resources we need to put into the project in order to gain the project impacts we use the social media logic model in much the same way. Say, for instance, your organization (nonprofit or government program) has a new grant to provide education and outreach to engage a target population and make an impact on their health.  This could be outreach to gain enrollment in smoking cessation programs, childhood blood lead testing, HIV testing, heart health, diabetes screening, etc.  Identify your community impact and what you will measure to show that you have made an impact and work your way backwards in the logic model. 

Of course, you don’t have to have a grant program to use a social media logic model. This model works for any social media campaign. It is simply a great tool to work thoughtfully through your social media strategy and create a visual that clearly guide you and your partners through your plan.

 Who Should See Our Social Media Logic Model?

Once you have worked through your Social Media Logic Model and you have a social media logic model that includes your  inputs, outputs, project outcomes, community outcomes and your desired impact through your social media campaign, you will have a systematic and visual way to present and  share your social media strategy that helps decision makers, partners and staff understand the relationships between a strong social media strategy and  social  the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve.


Will you develop a social media logic model? If so, how will you use it? Would you be interested in a webinar or presentation on using a logic model for your social media strategy?


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