Social Media and Grants

Why Grant Makers Want Mobile-Friendly Sites

Why Grant Makers Want Mobile-Friendly Sites

Why  Grant Makers Want You to Have a Mobile-Friendly Website Why would your funders care if your website is a mobile-friendly site? For that matter, what is a mobile-friendly website?   Responsive design websites are mobile-friendly, in other words, they adapt to all screen sizes, no matter what type of the device the user uses to access the website. In 2015, Google announced that more searches are done on mobile devices than on desktops. Health, social services and other grant funded  programs provide users with access to information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through effective websites. How clients, clinics and…read more →

Grant Ready Organization

Grant Ready Organization

EXCITING NEWS! Our training section, Smartegrants, has partnered up with Udemy to help you get your organization on ‘board’  with grant readiness.  We’ve developed an infographic to help guide you on your path to being a Grant Ready Organization. Smartegrants is our training and coaching arm. Our mission at Smartegrants is to cultivate leaders in the world of grants. Grant Readiness is an essential part of grants. So, it is a topic we come back to time and again. In fact, we have a few other Grant Readiness posts here and here and here and a grant readiness assessment here. KEYS…read more →

How to Thank a Funder on Social Media

How to Thank a Funder on Social Media

Thank a Funder on Social Media Grant stewardship is all about establishing and maintaining relationships. Grant makers, including government agencies, foundations and corporations, have Facebook pages and Twitter handles to provide more information about their mission, accomplishments, grantees and investments. As a grantee or potential grantee, you have an opportunity to support grant makers in their mission. One way to support a grant maker is by showing your gratitude (or ‘Grantitude’™ ). Should I thank a funder on social media if they are not on social media? The quick answer – yes. First, check to see if your funder or potential…read more →