My 3 Words 2013

My 3 Words 2013

Join me in the My 3 Words 2013 Challenge

Its January 2013. For many of us, the new year gives us pause to reflect on the past year and to set goals for the new year. Like many folks, I usually feel compelled to declare a new year resolution. These resolutions are often directed towards a single goal, like “losing weight”, “getting a better job”, or “managing debt”. These resolutions are fine pursuits, but I invite you to join me in the 3 Words 2013 challenge.

I am inspired to take a larger perspective for 2013. In 2006, Chris Brogan began to challenge people to forego the idea of a resolution, and instead, to dig deeper and come up with 3 words that will help define their goals and experiences for the coming year. You can find Chris Brogan’s 3 Words for 2013 here.


3 Words Are Not Goals

As a Grant Professional, I am always looking for S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely). The 3 words are not goals but they can be used as lighthouses to guide us through stormy seas or as the reflective lines along the road that will keep us on our paths and give us direction beyond the goals we might attach as a result of these words. For example, one of my goals tied to “Renew” is to improve my health by losing 20 pounds this year – SMART indeed. In fact, due to the nature of my work, I can envision my 3 words as a logic model and my goals as my benchmarks…but, don’t worry, there is no need to develop a logic model or a benchmark spreadsheet for this challenge!


My 3 Words for 2013

Here are my 3 words for 2013:

Renew – I will renew my efforts in the areas of my life that matter to me. I have spirituality, fitness, community, and prosperity goals. I will renew and reconnect to my strengths and well-being. I will nurture and renew mind, body, and spirit.

Optimism – I believe in serendipity. I believe that the people we meet and the events in our lives will bring us either blessings or lessons, and very often they will bring both. I believe that what I put out in the world is reflected back to me. My actions and interactions will be powered by optimism. If I encounter pessimism, either internally or externally, I will either meet it head on and infuse the situation with optimism, or I will understand it as a signpost along my path to change direction.

Creativity – I love to create. In fact, it is one of the blessings of being a consultant in the Grants Profession and as a Coach. I get to help organizations and individuals create projects and services based upon their dreams for a better world, stronger communities, and improved lives. A confession, I also love to paint and draw but the only art lesson I  had was in 9th grade and it was very general – I want more. I also love noodling around with creative tools – there are so many. I have not allowed myself to use my creative energy simply for the sake of creating in a few years. Instead I have funneled it into work or tried to extinguish the desire to draw or paint for more ‘pragmatic’ efforts. In 2013 I will give more balance to my creativity in my business and to the kind of creativity that my soul seeks. I will connect with the creativity within me and the creativity within others.

These 3 words, Renew, Optimism, and Creativity will guide me in 2013. When confronted with virtually any situation I will check the experience against my 3 words and either I will move forward or I will move away. It’s that simple.


What about you? I would love to hear about your 3 words!

Are you up for the 3 word challenge?

What are your words this year? Please share them in the comments below.


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